Monday, March 23, 2020

"Off the Grid"

Image result for off the gridOver Spring Break, my son Justin, had a couple of his friends over to go hiking in the Hoosier National Forest.  It was fun to see them get together for the first time after a week break from each other, running through the woods!  Gavin Guillaume mentioned several times how they were "off the grid" as they picked up sticks, threw rocks and giggled for two miles.

In some ways, we will all be navigating what it means to be "off the grid" this week.  All of you will be finding new ways to teach the students at Perry Central.  There will be some tough spots that we will work through together, but just like Justin and his friends, I know we will be findings ways to incorporate laughter, celebrate success and share our friendship with each other.

This week, I have been experimenting with a couple of on-line options for collaboration including Zoom and Google Hangout.  Both options seem very simple and easy to use. Google Hangout was nice because not only could I share my screen with the other side, but they could share theirs with me!  Could be a good learning tool.  Also, to help you navigate a few other options, Abbie, Brennan, and Jill have created "how-to" videos for technology they are currently using in their classrooms including Google Classroom, Personal Videos, and Screencastify.   I have included links to some of these tools below and others will be shared via email later.

We will host our first set of team meetings this Tuesday (you can see the schedule below).  Our goal will be to answer questions, share ideas and just find a way to support each other in our learning.

Please know that you are welcome to contact us at anytime.  Phil and I plan to work from home, mostly, due to the Governor's announcement today, but we do have access to the building.  If you need to get any supplies, you are still allowed to do that - we just ask that you please limit visiting the school as much as possible while we are in "shelter in place".  We want to set a good example for our families and help keep our community healthy.

Jody's Cell  812-719-1937
Phil's Cell   812-719-0559

Important Information:


  • Google Hang Out - you can find the extension in your google "waffle iron" (seriously, I learned that is what they call that - real technical term)  Here is a short VIDEO to help you navigate it.  
  • Screencastify HOW TO VIDEO
Grading -  General guidelines for grading and feedback will come from you, as the professional educator.  During this time, we do not want to hurt anyone's current grade - probably mostly from the 3rd 9 weeks.  I think there may be kids you want to help bring their grades up, but if students do not complete work or do not do well - our goal is learning not hurting GPAs at this time.  It is hard to give specifics about grading because this is so new.  I do think this vision will become more clear to us in the coming days.  Please know if you have questions or concerns we want you to reach out.  I think that providing students with grades and feedback will be necessary so students can see that the work they are doing is important.  

What to Teach - Obviously we are not going to be able to cover all of the materials that are left in your scope and sequence. Our advice is to think about skills that are necessary for students to move on to the next grade level/course next year and focus on that work.  This is a really good time to build skills through review as well.  It may be helpful to outline your curriculum and have a vision of what you would like to cover all of the way up to the end of the school year.   We can discuss this with our teams during Zoom calls tomorrow.

Students Without Internet - We are working on developing a list of students who do not have access to the Internet.  We think the list is going to be rather small - Yeah!  I will send a list of students shortly who do not have access.  Here is the protocol that we will use:
     * Look at the list and identify students who need paper-packets
     * Send an email to Jody with necessary attachments and work directions for each student in your class (by Thursday evening or Friday morning)
    * Jody will print and make copies as necessary and create each student a packet
    * Packets will be distributed on the Monday bus routes that go out for food.  We will ask families to meet us there if possible.  (Buses will go out each week with food or you can send enough work to cover the next four weeks at one time.)
    * You can call students and check in with them and their work.  If they have the ability to send your pictures of their work via their phones, etc. that would be super.  We do not have a solid plan to get work back to us, but we can do our best to work this out for families as needed.  We will stay in contact to streamline this process.  

Special Education Students - Phil and  I met with Diane, Heidi and Melissa today via Google Hangout.  For high school students that Diane and Melissa work with, they just ask you to communicate your needs to them.  They can help make adaptations to classroom work or even make a plan to help support students individually if you have students that you are concerned with.  Please communicate with them.

     For junior-high students, we are asking math, English, science and social studies teachers to please fill out a google document so Heidi knows what you are working on in your classes each week.  We think this will help with communication.   We are also concerned that some of the junior high students will struggle to keep up with the work, especially on-line.  Heidi would like to make some accommodations for these students and she will work with you on these individual students.

Platforms - We are asking that teachers please utilize Google Classroom as much as possible to help eliminate confusion with parents and students.  Also, there are many free resources such as IReady for 7th & 8th grade ELA/Math, I-XL, Zoom, Google Hangout, etc.  We do believe that video lessons are NECESSARY as we move forward, especially for new content.  Remember, you can still utilize formative assessment opportunities, practice problems, etc.  Not everything you do needs to be graded and I would recommend staying away from "busy work" as much as possible.    Scheduling zoom calls or google hangout opportunities would be very nice to offer.  I think it is important to remember that not all students may be available during the times that you schedule them - so you cannot require them, but I think the conversations among students would be great.  If you schedule your class meetings during your regular scheduled class times we can eliminate students being invited to more than one session at a time.


We would like to schedule meetings by department tomorrow in hopes to answer any questions you may have, share ideas about how you are going to deliver curriculum, etc.  Please find the schedule below.  I will be using Google Hangout for our meeting and you will receive an email link just a few minutes before the session.  (Please be patient because I am learning too!)  If you have any good jokes or stories to share with the team - have them ready!  

       * Faculty Meeting via Zoom:
                      English Meeting - Tuesday, March 24   8:30 a.m.

                      Math Meeting -  Tuesday, March 24     9:30 a.m.

                      Science Meeting - Tuesday, March 24   10:30 a.m.

                      Social Studies Meeting - Tuesday, March 24   12:30 noon

                      Island Team Meeting - Tuesday, March 24  1:30 p.m. 

                      School Counselor Meeting - Tuesday, March 24  2:30 p.m.

       *  AP Teacher Meeting -  Wednesday  9:00 a.m. 

      * Assistants - Wednesday 10:30 a.m. - This will be optional, but we want to be able to answer any questions you may have. 


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