Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Calm before the STORM

 I hope this post finds all of you enjoying some down time and allowing yourselves to rejuvinate and be excited about a new school year!  This summer has flown by but we have also accomplished so much!  Many of you have participated in professional development of some type, put in countless hours, communicated with students to just check in with them and have been out to get your room decorated and ready!   I feel so priviledged to work with such professionals who are always ready to put in the work to ensure our students have everything they need!  You are all a blessing to our community and I am SO GRATEFUL for you!  

I wanted to update you on a few things and provide information that I hope is helpful as you start to put your school hat back on (although, I hope you don't have it all of the way on just yet!)   Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!  

WIN - This school year, we are going to start off the school year like we ended with teachers leading a WIN class.   Last year, there were a few people that requested certain groups of students to be assigned to them because they pulled them most days.  (For example, Mary Jo wanted her Spanish II students, Andrea band students, special education teachers wanted some of their students.)  Teachers will still be able to pull students they need to work with through our document, but if there is a group of students that you see a lot we can try to put them in your WIN. Please feel free to send your requested list (if you have one) to Jody and Phil by Monday.  We can't promise it will work out, but we can try!  

Master Schedule -  Please find an updated copy of the Master Schedule.  We are still working through conflicts and as usual, there will probably be several changes at our Back To School Night.  If you have questions or concerns about your gradebooks, please let us know!  

Parent Letter/Student Handbook - Last week, we sent a welcome back letter to parents and students with updates to our student handbook.  We wanted you to have this information as well.  You can take a look at the Parent Letter and Power Point through these links!  We will talk more about this through our PBIS lessons, but wanted to keep you posted!  

Chronic Absenteeism -  The Department of Education defines chronic absenteeism as any student that misses 10% of the school year for any reason (even if they have doctor notes).  We all know that attendance is really important for students to ensure that learning is occuring!  This year, we are sending a letter to each student and their families who are on the chronic absentee list in hopes to bring this to their attention.  

HOUSE Leader Meeting - We will have a meeting on Tuesday, August 8th from 9:00 - 11:00 to kick off our HOUSE program for junior high teachers.  We will be setting a vision for what we want students to gain from their time in their houses, talk about AVID and our focus on the skill of organization and create a fun and exciting kick-off event for the year!  See you then!

Assistant Summit - August 3rd from 9-2 will be a professional development opportunity for our teaching assistants.  You received an email with details a few days ago.  During that day, we will also be sharing your schedules, etc.  Looking forward to seeing all of you there!  

7th Grade Orientation - August 1st at 6:00 p.m. we will be welcoming our new crop of 7th grade students and their families to Perry Central Jr./Sr. High School.  I know that many of the teachers attend and we appreciate that.  Thanks to Dana for pulling all of that together!  

Back To School Event - August 3rd we will host our Back To School event from 5-7.  If you can attend, it is really nice because students love seeing their teachers as they return!  It is a great community event and we want to thank Joyce for all she does to pull this off!  

First Teacher Day - First teacher day will be August 9th!  Our morning will be full of meetings and you will have a little time in the afternoon for final touches!  Assistants are invited to attend the morning of first teacher day for a half day of work.