Sunday, January 30, 2022

Executive Functioning Skills


This school year has been another tough year, especially the start of 2022.  We have been interrupted by snow and COVID again, causing the last 5 weeks to be especially tough.  This inconsistency is hard on adults and especially on kids.  

It is really hard to understand why our students can't do the simple things, like turn in their assignments on time, pay attention in class, bring a pencil when they know they need one EVERYDAY, and the list goes on.  These behaviors makes it feel like our students are lazy, careless and simply do not care. As an adult looking in, it is hard not to take it personally because everyone is working so hard to help our students succeed.    

As I reflected on these struggles the past few weeks, I was reminded that these very annoying and exhausting behaviors our students have are not really a lack of caring (Ross Green reminds us that "kids do well if they can") but in reality are a lack of executive functioning skills.  Executive functioning is the term used by neurologist to describe the brain processes that drive our ability to focus, solve problems, organize ourselves, remember information, learn from our mistakes, and manage impulses - all of which help us to learn!!!  

Looking back in Margaret Searle's book, Causes and Cures, I found a few quick reminders about these skills and what influences their growth: 

* The last 20 years, we have been able to learn about the brain and how it works - but we are just now understanding how this impacts learning. 

* There is a wide disparity in people's capacity to manage executive skills - this disparity is especially noticeable in children because the prefrontal cortex is in constant and uneven state of development. 

* Planning, attention span, and organization show a spike in development around age 5 but do not peak until our mid-late 20's. (maturity of these skills is 22-23 in girls and as late as 25 or even 40 in boys)

* Life experiences, good nutrition, and sensitive adult guidance also contribute to how well and how fast the frontal cortex matures and students are able to start managing these skills. 

* Research shows that 89-98% of children diagnosed with ADD have deficits in multiple areas of executive function - causing students to with disabilities to be as much as three years behind their peers in development

In her book, Margaret identifies 6 major subskills of Executive Function:  

The good news is that with the right supports, we can help students overcome these deficits. Over the next few weeks, I plan to discuss each of these six areas, using Margaret's book to help us identify classroom strategies that will help our students the most and in turn, hopefully help you!  Thanks for your willingness to learn and grow with me! 

Important Information: 

* PLC Meetings - We will be reaching out to each PLC group with a meeting agenda this week.  Please be watching in your inbox!  I also plan to make a snow plan as well.  If we have snow again this week, I would like to use that time to meet at teams and do some of the 1/2 day work we have been talking about.  We have missed so much school - taking advantage of these virtual days will be important as every in-person day is vital to learning!  

* RECN (Early College) - The Early College Team will be traveling to Southridge on Tuesday for our Quad Meeting.  It is always a great day for learning!  

* Virtual Days - There is a chance of Snow on Thursday.  I would not mention this to your students until later in the week so they can be focused for a couple of days (although, I am sure they are aware).  We will continue to hope for rain . . but be prepared for virtual.  

* Testing - Reminder that the SAT In-School test will be March 2nd for all 11th grade students.  Dana is working on a schedule that we will be sharing soon.  

Our Purpose:  1 Year or more of Learning Growth

Our Vision: 

      * Connect with Others  

      * Collaborative Teams/Continuous Improvement 

      * Creative/Authentic Learning Opportunities  

      * Celebrate Success 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Grading Practice Review


In our faculty meeting on Wednesday, we had a quick review of our grading practice beliefs at Perry Central by reading a quick article by Doug Reeves.  Below are some of the reminders that stuck with our teachers as they read.  Thanks for all of your feedback and commitment to student learning!  

*Reminder that the 100 point scale is reserved for 50% failure.  

*I was reminded that everything I assign doesn’t have to have a grade.  The absence of a grade is not the absence of rigor.  

Real rigor involves persistence, determination, resilience, & commitment to improvement

* "Some students may want to be punctual but have difficulty with executive functioning"  I have to remind myself of this multiple times a day.  The struggle is real with our junior high kids!

* Instead of deducting points off for late work, the "punishment" should be LL/8th period to help students become responsible about completing their work, but grades should only reflect what the student actually knows.

* Grade the destination reached not the journey.

Important Information:

* Behind Students: If you have students that are pretty far behind due to virtual work or quarantines, please let Phil or I know so we can help make a plan with the student on how they can get caught up. Also, remember that during this time we are focusing on the most important assignments for learning.

* Evaluations: Phil and I will be doing our best to get into classrooms the next few weeks. We know this is a stressful time with COVID. Please know our visits are only those of continuous improvement and growth. We are all in this together! Please let us know if you have any questions.

* Podcast: Here is a link to the Indiana Principal Association Legislative Podcast for the week. It is about a 15-20 minute listen and they give a great overview of what is happening on our behalf at the state house!

* Assistants - Don't forget to turn in your hours from last week to Sarah Briggeman or myself. It is a log of the work you did during our virtual time! :-) Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

**WINNER-WINNER - Lisa Brown, Emma Hanebutt, Carol Schwoeppe and Seth Gehlhausen are the winners from the Commodore Shout-Outs from our Faculty meeting on Wednesday. These individuals will receive lunch from Bandon this week!

Tutoring - Annette Lawalin is working hard to get students into tutoring after school! She has had some success and students will start staying. Thank you, Annette and to our tutors!!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Martin Luther King Jr. Day!


Today, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  We thank him for his leadership, vision and willingness to put others first and make a difference that has impacted our lives forever.  

Legislative Update: Below you will find a podcast from the Indiana Principal Association (if you are interested in the weekly update) and an amendment to HB 1134.  It seems that SB 167 is going to merge with HB 1134 and the House Bill will be the bill we should track.  The podcast is an excellent, quick overview of the items that are still a major concern for education.  


        Amendment HB 1134

Important Information: 

Faculty Meeting - We will have a faculty meeting on Tuesday, January 18th at 7:25 a.m. in the library! A light breakfast will be served.  See you there!

COVID List - We are still adding to the COVID exclusion list.  Please let us know if you have concerns about students and their academic progress.  Here is a link to the list.  Thank you for your continued flexibility and hard work during this most difficult time.  

Our Purpose:  1 Year or more of Learning Growth

Our Vision: 

      * Connect with Others  

      * Collaborative Teams/Continuous  -Improvement 

      * Creative/Authentic Learning Opportunities  

      * Celebrate Success -  So much to Celebrate this weekend!!!!  Go Commodores!

What a great Pep Block at the boys basketball game Saturday night - they cheered the JV/Varsity boys to a victory!  

Early College Night celebrated 30 students that will earn their ICC this year.  That is nearly 40% of the Class of 2022.  We also celebrated all of the teachers that make it possible - all of you should pat yourselves on the back!

The band earned 1st place at their pep band competition in Orleans.  Congrats to Andrea and our students!

Josh Craney's Commodore Manufacturing students received their pay checks for first semester.  Many students earned $1,000 or more!

Both 7th and 8th grade boys won their basketball tourney this weekend!  Shout out to Mr. Schaefer the 8th grade coach!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Legislative Update


Each January, we go through another year of trying do make sure the legislative process is positive for public schools - both students and teachers.   I am a part of the advocacy group for the Indiana Association of School Principals so I get some updates on the bills the principal association is tracking.  Below you will find a list of bills that may catch your attention.  I encourage you to be aware of the legislation proposed for education and not afraid to reach out to your legislator if you have concerns!  IASP does believe that some of the language will be changed for the better, but also warned that some version of the bill will be passed.  

If you reach out to your legislator, they are advising that the legislators are tired of people saying that some of these ideas are too much work, so use your words carefully.  

HERE is a list of all bills that pertain to education. This document contains ALL of the education bills this session.  Below are a few that are of most interest (and some concern).  Please let me know if you have questions.  

Senate Bill 167/HB 1040 - Education Matters (Both versions of this bill have a lot of the same language)

              * Parents may "Opt" their children out of wearing masks (House Version)
              * Creation of a "Curricular Materials Advisory Committee" - must be led by a parent                  (appointed by school board member) and they must approve all curriculum/textbooks for a school corporation. 
              *  Posting of Education activities and curricular materials (including worksheets, assessments, videos, etc.) must be on the school website for parents/community to view.  Also includes an opt-out procedure for parents if they do not want their children to participate in part of the curriculum. 
             * Limits ongoing/recurring SEL services.  (For example, students would  have to have a written consent to participate in our House program in the junior high because we are teaching SEL)
             * Materials Harmful to minors (a definition of what is harmful is not included so it is open to interpretation) currently, individuals working at public and non-public schools cannot be prosecuted under this law, but this would remove that language and would allow teachers to be prosecuted for disseminating "materials that are harmful" to minors

SB 2 - Allows for virtual students to receive full ADM funding instead of the recent 85% change. 

SB 17 - Removes schools and public libraries from specified defense to criminal prosecutions for "disseminating material harmful to minors"  (Doesn't really define what is harmful to minors - I can give you an example they used)

SB 81 - Requires cursive writing in the curriculum.

SB 82 - Requires FAFSA completion for graduation.  (Sounds easy, but getting tax documents from parents is very difficult.  Currently around 50% of our students file a FAFSA.)

HB1013 - Designates the mastodon as the state fossil.  (Thought you could use a fun one!)  

HB 1094 - Requires the DOE to provide employer liability and worker's compensation insurance to for high school students in internships/apprenticeships

SB144/ HB 1042 - School Board Matters (several things in here, but one is that school board members that are running for the position must declare if they are democrat or republican in HB and in SB it is optional) The Senate version says that candidate may request to have their political affiliation listed on the ballot if they would like.  

Important Information: 

Drama Club - We are excited to welcome Donna Vaal to our team.  She will be leading the school play and maybe some type of writing club.  She will be meeting with students after school on Monday at 3:00 in the high school library. 

MTSS Meeting - Our MTSS team will be meeting on Thursday at 9:00 a.m.  If you have any students that you are worried about academically or otherwise, please send those names to Jody or Phil by Thursday!  If you want to share some of the accommodations you have already tried, that would be helpful.

PBIS - The PBIS team met and they have developed lessons for second semester along with bringing back Commodore Cash!!!  Please look for an email from Phil with details.  We will be asking everyone to teach the lesson first period on Tuesday!  

- We are VERY excited about our new REACH grant!  There are several great resources and supports for students after school.  Below are some of the supports we will have available to students and families.  If you have students that would benefit from these services, please share those names with Jody and Phil as well.  

          After School Tutoring Director - Annette Lawalin will be working with families, students and teachers to help bridge the gap for students and help us make tutoring more meaningful.  A lot of times, students don't know what they need help with and tutors don't know what to help students with and it is not as productive as it could be.  She is there to fill that gap!  If you have students that could use tutoring let us know. 

       Mentoring - Holli Highfill will be leading a mentoring program for Jr./Sr. High School students.

       Community Service - Tonya Bryant will be leading community service activities for students. 

       Family Coordinator - Tony Keown will be another support for families and school. 

COVID - Just a reminder to check the COVID list.  We received several new notifications from the health department while we were off.   HERE is the link to the list. 



  Monday, January 10 - School Board Meeting 6:30 p.m./Report Cards will be distributed

  Monday, January 17 - NO School  

  Tuesday, January 18 - Faculty Meeting - 7:30 a.m. 

Our Vision: 

      * Connect with Others - Unite and Connect!!

      * Collaborative Teams/Continuous  -Improvement - Continue your intentional conversations this week in PLCs!! 

      * Creative/Authentic Learning Opportunities - Excited about our new business partner, Boston International!  You may know Paul and Pam Metz - they are working with engineering, advanced manufacturing and art students on projects in the near future!  

      * Celebrate Success - I am EXCITED about the curriculum work all of you have done!  All of you have a list of 8-10 kids that you want to focus on moving forward - we are well on our way to increase the positive vibes in our data!

Our Purpose:  1 Year or more of Learning Growth



Saturday, January 1, 2022

Seven Elements of Trust

If you google the Georgia football team, you will find the words TRUST and CONNECTION over and over.  Their team is just a reminder of the importance of these two aspects and building relationships with each other and our students to find success and play at such a high level.  Steven Covey reminds us that trust = confidence.  We must continue to focus on trust between admin-teachers, teachers-teachers and student-teachers. 

Brene Brown reminds us of the 7 elements of Trust (above).  It takes BRAVE people to be willing to do this work - but if we are willing, we can really change the landscape of education and continue to make Perry Central a special place to learn and work.    

Why Kids Hate Christmas - This is a great video by Trevor Muir that reminds us of the struggles our students are facing and the power of caring, safe classrooms.  All of you create this space for our Perry Central students - you make school a place they want to be.  Thanks for all you do. 

Power of Survey Information - The high school teachers are working on developing a mentoring program for Early College students with the goal of increasing the number of students that earn their first year of college and increase their academic success.  To kick off the mentoring program, the teachers asked students to fill out a survey (students in grades 9 & 11 in honors classes) to get to know them better.  The answers the students gave were very eye opening and helpful.  What a great way to be intentional about learning in the classroom - maybe it is a tool any teacher could use!  Thanks to Dana and the High School teachers for taking the lead on this!

     Survey Results:

Important Information: 

* January 4th Professional Development Day - HERE is a link to our PD Agenda for teachers.  Assistants will meet in the elementary from 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. and then work with your special education teachers until 11:30 a.m.  Looking forward to seeing all of you!!!

Elevator Pitch Training - Juniors and Seniors will go through an Elevator Pitch Training on Thursday, January 6th.  Sarah Harrison from Conexus Indiana will be leading them through this training.  An "Elevator Pitch" is the updated version of "Tell Me About Yourself" in an interview or other situation.  It is an important skill for our students as they prepare to transition into the world on their own!    Here is the schedule:    12th Grade Students - 2nd Period High School Library/  11th Grade Students - 3rd Period High School Library.  

* Grades - Grades will "dump" on Wednesday, January 5th at midnight.  If you have any students that are not finished with the semester and need an incomplete, please let Phil or Jody know.  It is important we finalize grades for seniors as soon as possible as they are completing scholarships and job applications this semester that require this information.  Please let us know what help you need!

* MTSS Meeting - Our MTSS team will be meeting on January 13th.  If you have any students you are concerned about, please send names to Jody or Phil by Wednesday, January 12th.  Please take a look at our MTSS Framework to remember the supports that are available for students.  Remember, our deliberate practice work and professional development are important parts of the Tier 1 experience!  Everything we do, matters!!

Our Vision: 

      * Connect with Others

      * Collaborative Teams/Continuous Improvement

      * Creative/Authentic Learning Opportunities

      * Celebrate Success

Our Purpose:  1 Year or more of Learning Growth