Sunday, March 1, 2020

Safe and Secure

This week's article by the ASCD talked a lot about school safety.  School safety can be ensuring that the buildings and grounds are safe and secure, but more importantly it also includes the importance of emotional safety, developmental well-being, and sense of belonging and self worth.  School Safety is really about working to develop the whole-child.

Image result for Building relationships with studentsWe know that students must feel safe (emotionally and physically) to be available for learning.  Here are some ways that some teachers across America help their students to feel safe:

* I try to make sure my students feel safe, both physically & emotionally, by establishing and enforcing policies to ensure students' respect others.  I also try to be observant of student's emotional states and make myself available to them and provide information to counselors when needed.   - Kelly Buechler, Carrollton, TX

* I work with students that struggle academically.  I know if I am going to help them learn, I have to remove all of the responsibility from them for their lack of success.  I teach them how their brain works and tell them that I am going to help them "retrain their brains".  Students who don't feel blamed or ashamed feel safer and believe in themselves.  - Barbara Danis, South Paris, Maine

* As a teacher, I make it a priority to know every student's name in my classes and in the building.  When you greet them each day it lets them know how I care about them.   When I have a good relationship with them, I open the lines of communication and students feel safe and secure.  - Jake Klipsch, Dravenport, Iowa

The steps we are taking to provide counseling services, Social/Emotional Learning Curriculum, Junior-High House Systems, building relationships,  etc. are all important steps for developing student safety.  What are some ways you help your students feel safe in your classroom?

Important Information: 

Our Sympathy - This weekend, Carol Schwoeppe lost her sister, Sharon Lange,  to a battle with cancer.  Visitation will be Tuesday, 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. CST at Becher Funeral Home in Ferdinand with a Church Mass on Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. at St. Ferdinand Church.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Carol during this tough time. 

ISTEP Testing - All 10th grade students will be taking the math ISTEP test on Monday and Tuesday periods 2-4  (Monday they may finish and return to 4th period).   Please double check the testing schedule HERE.    (You will have to go to the math tab.)

Pep Session - Tuesday afternoon we will have a Pep Session to cheer on the Might Commodores as they take on the Marksmen Tuesday night in the opening game of the boys basketball sectional.  Students will be released at 2:30 to attend.  A few logistic notes (teachers please help make sure we direct students appropriately):
    * 9th grade students should sit down in the bottom section of the bleachers
    * Students in grades 7 & 8 will sit up by the band.  They can be immediately released down the stairs opposite of the band at the end of the pep session

Domain 1 & 3 Help Session - Just a reminder we will have two help sessions this week for Domains 1 & 3:   Tuesday, March 3    7:30 a.m.   and  Thursday, March 5   3:10 p.m. - Both sessions are in the high school library  Domain 1 & 3 are due Sunday, March 15th.

Career Fair - On Thursday, March 5th, juniors and seniors will be participating in the Perry County Career Fair at the Schergen's Center.  Students will report to 1st period and leave school around 8:30 and return back to school before lunch.  This is a great opportunity for students to learn about summer job opportunities along with career opportunities in Perry County.  Dana will provide you with a few more details closer to time.

RTI Meeting - We will reschedule our RTI meeting for Thursday, March 5th at 7:20 a.m.

Innovate WithIN - Congratulations to Josh Young, Shae Berkhouse, Josh Stilwell, Vivian Galey, and Josh Rogier for making it to Round 2 for the Innovate WithIN Contest.  They will be giving a presentation at University of Evansville on Friday, March 6th!  Wish them luck! Thanks to Mr. Niehaus and Mr. Gehlhausen for all of their help.

Important Dates: 

Wednesday, March 11th - All 10th grade students will participate in a county-wide career day.  We will provide you with specific times soon.  Students typically will be in first and 7th periods, but will be participating in the event otherwise.

Friday, March 13th - Commodore Day of Caring for all junior high students.  All of students in grades 7-8 will be participating in community service activities this day!  Thank you to the teachers who are supporting them!

Image result for community service quotes

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