Sunday, January 8, 2017

Kids Do Well if They Can!

This week, I have been invited to lead a book study session at the SIEC for all of the high school principals in the area.  This activity definitely fits my word for the year, "GROW", because even though I read a lot, leading a book session with my peers is very uncomfortable!

Image result for kids do well if they canOur group decided to read the book, Lost at School by Dr. Ross Greene.  This is a book our admin team and junior/senior high school RTI teams have read.  Every time I re-read the content, it just reminds me of how important Dr. Greene's philosophy is.  In chapter 2, he asks his readers this question: "What is your philosophy of kids: what are kids about, why do they do what they do, what they're up to (if they are really up to anything.)?  He goes on to talk about how important it is for anyone who works with kids with behavioral challenges to have a philosophy because one's beliefs affect how they interact with kids.

Dr. Greene's philosophy is "kids do well if they can."  When kids with social, emotional and behavioral challenges lack important thinking skills, it can look like they lack motivation, lack respect.  Dr. Greene talks about the difference of "kids do well if they can and "kids do well if they want to."  Most of the time, I believe the latter belief is wrong. My belief is that kids really do want to do well but sometimes because of their brain development, lack of good role modeling, etc.  they do not have the necessary skills for them to be successful.  Once we take the time to dig deep into the "lagging skills" of our students, we can figure out how we can help them overcome their deficiencies and provide them the confidence they need to be successful.

As we move into 2017, I think it is important that all of us in the education field really think about our own philosophies of kids.  Being a teacher or a teaching assistant is more than helping students learn math, English, science, social studies, etc.  We also have to realize that we are helping develop a whole child.  If they came to us with all of the skills they needed to be successful in life, I am not sure in this world of information they would really even need us!!  I believe it is our job as educators to help all kids learn and develop the skills they need to live happy and successful lives. What are your beliefs?

(If you would like more information or a copy of this book, please see me.  Below is a link to a YouTube video where Dr. Greene is speaking - if you have a few minutes, this link will be worth your time!)

Click here for video. 

School Notes: 

  • Mr. Linne will be teaching a math SAT/ACT prep course in his classroom every Wednesday mornings from 7:15 - the beginning of school for any student who wants to improve their test scores!
  • Carrie Guillaume, Sean Risse, and Mike Bishop have been working with local manufacturers (mainly Jasper Engines and Waupaca Foundry) and learning how to start a Commodore Manufacturing program.  During this course, students will gain soft skills and technical skills as they actually make products for Waupaca Foundry and Jasper Engines!  The companies will out-source some of their work to our program.  We are excited about this opportunity to take project-based learning to a new level!  This opportunity is possible thanks to a grant written by Tara Bishop.  Great job team!  More information will be coming!
  • Bill Borders will be a new face at Perry Central.  He will be teaching a small group of students Economics for dual credits. Welcome, Bill!

Important Dates: 

January 9th  - School Board Meeting 6:30 High School Library/

January 10th - Boys Varsity Basketball @ Cannelton 6:00 p.m.

January 11th - Vocational Team Meeting 7:20 a.m. high school library/ PLC After School meeting 3:05 - 4:00 p.m.

January 12th - Girls Varsity Basketball @ Heritage Hills 6:00 p.m.

January 13th - RTI Team meeting 7:20 a.m. in Gary Hanan's room/ Boys Varsity Basketball @ home vs. Southridge 5:30 p.m. (Homecoming)

January 14th - Boys Varsity Basketball @ West Washington 5:30 p.m.

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