Sunday, April 2, 2023

Heartwarming Tidbits

 My body was exhausted but my heart was full after last week.   So many great things happening: 

Vanessa Johnson invited Kaydyn Jarboe's grandfather into their medical class to talk about his Kidney transplant.  To their surprise, the donor made his first public appearace to share his experiences with our students.  I wish all of you could have heard their story and witnessed the most geniuine and loving smile that Mr. Jarboe shared when talking about this experience.  What a great opportunity for our students to not only learn about the medical side of a kidney transplant but also about what community love looks like - when a community comes together (not only the donor, but all of the people that helped them harvest crops, etc.) to save a neighbor's life.   My eyes were not dry during this!  Thank you, Vanessa, for providing this community learning opportunity for our students.  

Senior Top 10 Banquet was last week.  PC Alumn, Bryce Lain, gave the talk at the banquet.  It was so great to watch one of our graduates talk about how Perry Central prepared him for college and life.  He even quoted his cross country coach, Jason Barnett!  He remembered during a time he was worried about going to college that Mr. Barnett gave him great advice and he shared that with the students - because he still uses the advice today.  As a teachers and coaches, just remember ALL of you have such a powerful influence on our students.  Great event!

 This week, because of a spare washer and dryer, I got to visit a couple of our students who really had a tough life while at PC.  They lived in high poverty and while in school lost both their mom and dad over a period of time.  Our school family really wrapped their arms around these kids as they worked hard to make it on their own.  Because of welding/manufacturing classes, internships, dual credits and relationships at Perry Central - both kids have been able to purchse their own homes and are doing so well.  One is even starting to train others in the company he works in!!!!  What all of you do matters - this is just one example of the many that happen every year!  

Thanks for making a difference!!!!

Important Information: 

PLC Meetings: We are finishing up PLC meetings this week.  The feedback I get from all of you will help shape our PD day on April 10th!  Four Day Work WEEK!!!

Learning Lunch Reminder:  Just a reminder, if you sign students up for Learning Lunch you did it because they have late work.  Even though we do not punish students by giving them zeros on the work they don't turn in or doc them for it being late (because we want their grade to reflect what they know), it is important to hold them accountable for being late.  The accountability comes from them having to serve the Learning Lunch.  If students get work finished before they serve their Learning Lunch - that is GREAT, but we want them to serve at least 30 minutes of their time since the assignment was late.  Our goal is to help students learn to not turn in work late.  This is important for Billie Sue and Debbie as well because they are working hard to hold that line for all of us!  Thank you!

Important Spring Dates:  You can find the Spring Date list HERE.  We will keep adding to it. 

Commodore Pride - If you are interested in helping with Commodore Pride, there is a meeting Tuesday morning, April 4th, in Vanessa Johnson's room.  

Community Service Projects:  Junior High Houses will be working on deciding where they want to conduct their Community Service projects soon.  We plan to have our big day on Friday, May 5th.  If anyone knows of someone in the community that needs something or a non-profit organization that could use some help, please share with Lauren or Jody.  We like to let the kids decide, but sometimes they need to know what needs are out there!    We know that as humans, when we have the opportunity to serve others, we create our own happiness.  We hope that we can instill this into our students! 


Meet At the TRACK!

Ashley Hubert shared this meme with me.  It is so true about all of us!  To help support our mental health the next few weeks, I would love to start a Walking Club.  Anyone that is interested can meet at the track at 3:15 and we will walk for 20 minutes together!  We can meet by the ticket booth by the CTE building!  Bring a friend!!!!  

We will walk 2 days a week for sure - Tuesday, April 4  and Thursday, April 6 this week.  

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