Sunday, November 21, 2021


At our faculty meeting last week, we brainstormed different ways that we can be vulnerable in the classroom, with the idea of bridging the trust gap between students and teacher and teachers and students.  Here are some of the responses: 

* Play a sport and fail miserably at my age!

* Sharing what is happening in life. 

*Sharing stories about my own problems through the years. 

*Tell students if they do certain things I will cry (not really) and then they get a laugh out of it while still trying to listen to me.  Tell the students you love them. 

* I let them know when things are going on that are hard for me. 

* I write in front of my students. 

* I play various instruments with my students. 

* A student asked for an example of "Is _____ always true?" and I had to admit that they have an inexperienced teacher who cannot come up with a counter example. 

* Admitting when something is not working and we do not have the answer yet, but we are trying. 

* I demonstrate activities from time to time to show my students that even sometimes I don't get it right. 

* A student asked me a question I didn't know.  I said, "I'm not sure, let's look it up!"

* I let my goofy personality come through.  I try new things that sometimes I fail at and admit when I do.

* I show them I am terrible at spelling and using google and ask the kids to help me! 

*I sing in front of my students. 

* Being able to admit when your wrong or when you don't know something. 

*I admit my weaknesses frequently!

What great ideas! I challenge all of you to take these next few weeks of the semester to take one more step to being vulnerable in the classroom! 

I look forward to growing in this area with all of you!   Here is a great article about trust from Brene Brown.  Hope you enjoy it!

Important Information: 

* Grateful - I am so grateful for all of you!  We have two days before Thanksgiving break.  I think we should wear jeans this week to help remind ourselves of the many reasons to give thanks. 

* Thanksgiving Pitch-In - Don't forget about the pitch-in on Tuesday!  Food will be in the elementary commons area. 

* Good Luck to the Boys Varsity Basketball team as they open the season Wednesday night at Tell City!  Go Commodores!  

Check out these entries from PC students to the American Legion Art contest.  Aren't they great!

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