Sunday, December 8, 2019

PC Family

This past weekend, my family spent sometime together at the Hoosier Beef Congress.  Congress is a youth cattle show in Indianapolis.  The barns are full of kids of all ages with one thing in common - the all love cattle!  I love watching the little kids show their calves.  They are working hard, combing and cleaning their calves, showing through tears after the calf steps on their toes, helping each other and celebrating their successes with their families.  It is fun to watch all of them persevere and see adults spending quality time with their kids.  

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The cattle show family makes me think about our Perry Central family.  It is such a blessing to be a part of a community that cares for our children and each other in so many ways.  Our family always finds ways to support each other -  in the classroom, on the court, in the pep band, or in the halls - our Commodore family is always there.  We believe in the power of strong relationships; helping each other through the tears and cheers.  Together we are modeling to our students how to be resilient, work hard, and be of service to each other. 

As I reflect about the holiday season, it reminds me how grateful I am to be apart of such a great work family. The dictionary defines family as a group whose love is not hindered by time, space or circumstances.  That is exactly what our Commodore family is to me!

Important Information:

Faculty Meeting - We will have a faculty meeting on Tuesday, December 10th at 7:20 a.m. in the high school library.  Please be there on time!

10 Days of Christmas (Before Christmas Break):  This week, we will start celebrating the few days we have left before our Christmas Break with some treats!

    Image result for 10 days of christmas
  •   10th Day of Christmas (Before Christmas Break): If the Holidays make you gag, we have chocolate in a bag!  (In your Mailboxes)
  •   9th Day of Christmas: Starting the day with breakfast for you, a little something for all that you do!  (Faculty Meeting - Schwartz Cinnamon Rolls)
  •   8th Day of Christmas: Temperature is so cold, how about a cup of hot chocolate to hold?  (Hot Chocolate Bar)
  •   7th Day of Christmas:  Don't get nutty this time of year, let's butter you up with some good cheer!
  •   6th Day of Christmas:  How should your start your day?  With donuts, not other way!
More Fun Next Week!  

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Ugly Sweater Contest - Tuesday, December 10th is our Ugly Sweater Contest!  It is okay to wear jeans this day.  Prizes will be given to the teacher that has the most student votes!  Bring out the best you have!!!!  

 (Please remember it is important to dress professionally even during jean day.  Please stay away from hooded sweat shirts and other overly casual apparel.  We want to always look our best!  I believe you can look very professional in jeans!)   

Eva Kor - This week on Wednesday and Thursday our junior high will be participating in the Eva Kor Virtual Reality Tour!  Students will learn about the Holocaust and Eva Kor's life-affirming message of forgiveness, healing, empathy and moral courage.  Thank you to the English and Social Studies department for hosting this great event!

Fed-Ex Day - Thursday, December 12th is Fed-Ex Day.  Thanks to Jennifer Ball for leading our students through this project.  

School Board Meeting - The December school board meeting is Monday, December 9th at 6:30 p.m. in the high school library.  This is Mary's last official meeting as Superintendent of Perry Central Communities Schools.  We will have an open house on December 20th in case you wanted to wish her well!  

Snow Make Up Day -  We will be making up our one snow day on January 20th.  Students will have a virtual day on the 20th and teachers are asked to come to school that day for a day of Professional Development!  This will leave Christmas break from December 21 - January 6th!  

Candy Cane Carnival - Thursday, December 12th, Perry Central will host the annual Candy Cane Carnival.  The high school band will be performing their Christmas Concert at 5:30 p.m. along with many great activities for kids.  It is a great evening to come and enjoy the Holiday Season with our community!

Christmas Dance - Thanks to Mary Jo Hagedorn for sponsoring the High School Christmas Dance, this Saturday, December 14th!  Looking forward to seeing all of our students dressed up for a great evening! 

Next Week Dress Up Days:
Monday - Christmas PJ's
Tuesday - Santa Hats/Reindeer Antlers
Wednesday - Green and Red Day
Thursday -  White as Snow Day   (Students will have the opportunity to purchase hot chocolate!) 
Friday - Crazy Christmas Socks

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