Sunday, August 19, 2018

It's a WIN!

Image result for believing in othersI love high school sports!  For me, it is a time when our community comes together to rally around our student body and cheer for one common goal: a win!  What a great cause!  Being a small, rural, community school, the events often bring back Perry Central Alumni as well!  Once a Commodore, always a Commodore at heart, right?  

This past Friday night while standing along the fence, I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around to see two young men who had graduated from Perry Central just a few years ago.  They each gave me a hug and shared they hadn't been back on campus for a couple of years.  Both of these young men had spent a lot of time in my office for many reasons: conversations about not passing classes, few small discipline issues and of course we had a lot of pep talks about what the future could hold.  Back then, school was not their favorite place to be, to say the least.

As we talked, I learned that both boys had decided to join the Millwright Union.  They found a way to use their charm, intelligence and hard working skills to move their way up to very high paying jobs and even a company truck!  Both were so excited about the work they were doing.  Their eyes glistened as they told me they were actually good at math (even though they didn't get the best grades) and they were proud of their work.  Both even went on to say how they want to share their experiences with others because getting an education and finding a job that they are good at was a life changing experience.  (Their words, not mine!) 

Those two boys will never understand what an impact they had on me Friday night.  It reminded me the importance of NEVER giving up on our students, ALWAYS building strong relationships no matter what, and always looking for the GOOD in others.  Those boys came back to Perry Central that night not only to watch the game, but to touch base with the school that always believed in them as individuals.  Perry Central helped them win in the game of life!  Thanks to all of you who touched their lives! 

Also, congrats to the football team for bringing back the MarCom trophy!  It is finally back in its rightful home!  :-)  Go Commodores! 

Important Information: 

* Faculty Meeting - We will have our first Faculty Meeting on Tuesday, August 21st at 7:20 a.m. in the high school library.  You may want to bring your computers.  A light breakfast will be served! 

* Virtual/PD Day:  On September 4th, students will have a virtual day and teachers will come to school for professional development.  Teachers should give out virtual assignments on Friday, August 31st.  Please remember that assignments should not be due for at least 1-2 days after students return to campus to ensure they have had the resources to complete the work.  A professional development schedule will be coming soon!

* Parent-Teacher Conferences:  We will host Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, September 20th.  Students will be released at 1:00 p.m. and conferences will run from 1:00 - 7:00 p.m.

* SAT/ACT Prep Class:  Mr. Linne and Ms. Petty will be offering free ACT/SAT prep classes before school starting this week!  Ms. Petty will teach English on Tuesday mornings and Mr. Linne, math, on Wednesday mornings from 7:05-7:55 a.m.  Please encourage your students to take advantage of this!

* IREADY Formative Assessment Tool - Perry Central is going to start utilizing the IReady Formative Assessment tool to help us prepare for ILearn testing.  This tool is going to replace Study Island & NWEA.  This Friday at 9:00, IReady will be here to provide us with some baseline training.  Junior High math and English teachers will be a part of the training.  More information will come soon! 

* Welcome! We want to welcome Rachal Mills to our Commodore Family! She is going to be a new assistant in our building!  We will be sharing her with the elementary!  Welcome, Rachal!

Important Dates: 

Monday, August 20th - Data Team Meeting 3:00 pm.

Tuesday, August 21st - Faculty meeting 7:20 a.m./ Varsity Volleyball @ Corydon 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, August 22nd

Thursday, August 23rd - Varsity Volleyball @ home vs. North Harrison @ 5:30 p.m.

Friday, August 24th  - Varsity Football @ home vs. Forest Park  6:30 p.m.

Saturday, August 25 - Varsity Cross Country @ Evansville Harrison Invitational  9:00 a.m.

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