Sunday, December 3, 2017

We Must Believe!

It is that time of the year again for our Elf on the Shelf, lovingly named "Mr. Snowman", to return to the French residence. Justin is 10 and is just a dreamer by trade.  He is always playing store, creating a new product and desires to be an inventor after he grows up. The magical illusion of Mr. Snowman reporting to the North Pole puts a twinkle in his eye every morning and fits right into his personality.  This is the only month of the year that he gets up at 6:00 a.m. on his own, runs through the house in search of the elf, and giggles all morning long.  His belief in the magic allows him to block out the reality of the elf.  Even on days when Mr. Snowman "forgets to move"  Justin's strong belief  helps him persevere and not give up on the possibilities.  
Image result for elf on the shelf images
Image result for growth mindset imagesThe twinkle in his eye reminds me about the importance of having a believing (growth) mindset.  Listening to a podcast a few weeks ago, I was reminded that students (and teachers) must have leaders around them that model this mindset continually so they can develop the culture of believing and achieving.  We all know the power of this simple, yet complex theory and how it can have such a strong impact on how students perceive their abilities to learn.

As we get closer and closer to the new year, it is my resolution to be focused on my own mindset. Research shows over and over again that our own mindsets can lead to different patterns of behavior and the ability to persevere.  Justin reminds me that we do have the power to control our own thoughts and beliefs; the elf reminds me that as adults we can have an influence on how powerful their belief system can be.  I hope you can find the twinkle in your eye and the power of knowing you can empower yourself and others!

School Notes: 

WINNER, WINNER!  Two more winners in this week's Selfie Contest!  They can choose from a free period or a candy cane of chocolate and McDonald's gift card!  Cheryl Linne and Mary Jo Hagedorn!   Keep the creativity coming!

This week's challenges:   Fun picture with your teaching/counseling/any TEAM!  and/or Someone who influences you!   

Graduation Pathways:  The Graduation Pathways panel is still working hard.  They will be presenting their recommendation to the State Board on Wednesday, December 6th for vote.  Thank you Vanessa for being a part of this important process! 

ISTEP Retakes - Remember, we will have ISTEP retesting this week and next.  A copy of the schedule will be linked to your email.  Please help students find their locations for testing and cheer them on and help them believe they can succeed!

Important Dates: 

Monday, December 4 - School Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. High School Library/Girls Varsity Basketball @ Home vs. West Washington 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday, December 5 - Boys Varsity Basketball @ Crawford County 5:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 7 - Girls Varsity Basketball @ Tecumseh  5:30 p.m.

Friday, December 8 - Boys Varsity Basketball @ Home vs. Wood Memorial 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, December 9 - Christmas Dance for students in grades 9-12

Tuesday, December 12 - Candy Cane Carnival

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