Sunday, March 6, 2022

Power of Tiny Gains

 This weekend was full of college basketball memories, including Duke University's, Mike Kryzyzewski's, last home basketball game.  As I filtered through on-line articles, I found a video clip of the coach talking about some of his best players and how they always wanted to be "coached hard".  He described how they not only had unbelievable talent, but were always asking for feedback and finding ways to get better!

His remarks reminded me of an article I read at from a training this week.  The article is around continuous improvement and how important it is to always be finding ways to move forward and the difference that a 1% change for the better can make.  If you get 1% better each day, by the end of the year, you will end up 37 times better than when you started.  That statistic is phenomenal!  

As we continue to move through the school year, I think this mindset is a powerful way to help us work to continuing to find powerful gains for student learning in a manageable way.  The article was a great reminder to me that even though being "coached hard" is not always easy, the mindset of continuous improvement is powerful and worth it.   

I would encourage you to read the article!  It is a great 3 minute read!  Continuous Improvement Article

Important Information: 

* Grades - The gradebook will dump this Wednesday night at midnight!  Please make sure you have your grades updated at that time.  If you need to issue incompletes, please see Jody or Phil and we can help you with that.  It is also a great time to check your reporting topics for 4th quarter to make sure you are ready!

* Spring Break Week - This is always the week that our students get to be a little squirrely as Spring Break approaches.  It is important to continue teaching bell to bell and providing students with highly engaging lessons.  Please do not allow students to stay by the doorway at the end of the period and hold your high level of expectations like you do all year!  

* Lunch and Learn - High School Assistants, we will be hosting a Lunch and Learn on Wednesday, March 9th.  We will announce the location of the meeting in an email soon!  Please keep a look out for it!  The meeting will be from 11:24-12:24.

* House Competition - We will have our House Competition on Friday, March 11 during 6th and 7th periods.  Students will report to 6th period and we will release them by intercom.  If you are a house leader and have a high school group 6th or 7th periods, please let Jody know so she can find coverage. 

Surprise and Delight - Stop in for a Surprise and Delight in the morning as we celebrate "Rolling" through this week!  We are also looking at a possible Surprise and Delight for students in 2nd WIN on Thursday.  We will determine that tomorrow based on the weather.  

I hope all of you have a restful Spring Break!  We will be back in school on March 21st for the sprint to the end!!!  

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