Sunday, August 16, 2020

Times of Uncertainty

 Congratulations!  You made it through your first four days of teaching during a pandemic!  We had a few bugs to work out, but together, you provided an environment where our students felt safe and cared for - allowing them to be ready to learn.  

If you are like me, there have been moments where the weight of the school year made it hard to breathe.  Navigating this time of uncertainty can be difficult for all of us, including our students, their parents, our families and friends.  Let's face it, there is just more work to do and uncertainty about what school will look like from day to day!  But, what I have realized is that I am not alone in these feelings and while it is difficult at times, I can find strength in those around me.  

All of us are leaders in some capacity - we lead classrooms, small groups, households, athletic teams, community organizations and more.  During a time of uncertainty is when people need our leadership.  They need someone to take them through the journey.  Andy Stanley reminds us that sometimes (most times) when we are leading, we are traveling through uncharted waters and do not have all of the answers; a pandemic for example!  Even though leading others through unprecedented times can feel paralyzing, when we support each other we can find the way.     

To help us find the way this school year, I believe the following four items can help us lead others:   

1.  Remember we are not in this alone.  We have a strong team and we can figure anything out together. 

2.  Communication and clarity are key.  When things are not going well, we need to talk to each other about it so we can arrive at solutions that will work.  We also need to be clear and kind about our expectations.  

3.  Vulnerability is courage!  Brene Brown states that vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength.  Vulnerability is the courage to show up and speak up, even when you are not sure of the outcome.  So even during times of uncertainty, take a leap and allow yourself to be heard.

4.  Self-Care is a must!  Brene Brown also talks in her book, "Dare to Lead", about the importance of being mentally, physically and spiritually in-shape to make it through tough times.  Making time for yourself is a necessity.

The only thing in life that is certain is uncertainty.  We are definitely living in some tough times.  All of us are leaders and if we are committed to stick together, serve our constituents, and make time to take care of ourselves we will be successful.  What a blessing it is to work with all of you daily!

Have a great week!!

Important Information: 

Faculty Meeting - Due to our new pandemic schedule, meeting as a whole faculty is difficult.  We will have the opportunity for teachers to participate in a Lunch and Learn this Wednesday, August 19th,  during your lunch period.  This meeting is for teacher's only this month.  Lunch will be provided for teachers who opt to participate!  

Lunch & Learn Locations for Teachers: 

     Junior High Lunch Period - Stephanie Walsh's Room

     High School Lunch Period  (Come during the period you usually eat lunch) - Teacher's Lounge 

Early College Meeting - Teachers who are teaching dual credit academic courses for Ivy Tech will be invited to a Google Meet meeting at 7:25 a.m. on Tuesday morning.  We will be discussing options for providing 50% asynchronous learning opportunities for students along with other Early College Updates.   Please be looking for calendar invite with the google meet link attached. 

On-Line Attendance  Sheet - Many of you have filled out the On-Line attendance sheet.  Phil and I will be reaching out to families that are struggling this week.  We appreciate your work with this.  If you haven't had a chance to report students that are not completing the work, please find the link HERE.  

Virtual Pep Session - This Friday, we will be hosting our first ever virtual pep session!  We will have a surprise video and some words from our coaches and school song!  We hope to have this ready by 2nd period on Friday!  More information follow!  Athletics open up this week and we are all excited!  There will be some restrictions for the number of guests we can have at football games.   Please be looking for this information to be shared soon.  Friday will be green day - so let's fill the halls with Commodore Green!

Classroom Coverage -  Due to the changes in the master schedule and the number of lunches and individual study halls and prep periods that must be covered, it is very difficult (not impossible, just hard) to just pull someone to cover for a class.  I just encourage you to use WillSub if you are going to be out of the building for a half-day or more.  If you have concerns about getting something covered, please see me as soon as you know you need help.  We will all have to work together to do our best. 

School Pictures:   School Pictures will be this week.  Mrs. Hagedorn has a plan to release students from their classrooms in smaller groups at a time.  We are going to work hard not to interrupt class through the intercom if we can help it.  7th - 12th grade pictures will be Thursday, August 19th and Friday, August 20th.  Please do not forget to get your picture taken! 



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