Sunday, October 6, 2019

Dive into Data

This past week, Dana Harris and I have been combing through a lot of data as we work on our School Improvement plan that is due at the end of this week.  Even though this extra layer of work can be frustrating, it has been a great opportunity to take a step back and reflect on all of the fruits of our labor. 

One of the data points we are looking at comes from the Panorama Survey, which captures the social-emotional progress that our students are making (students just completed the first survey for the school year this past week.)  I find this data to be very interesting and telling.  Below, you will see three graphs with an explanation.  As you look at this data, I think it is important for all of us to take a step back and look at the needs of our students.  Students that are struggling in these four areas of Social/Emotional Learning are probably also struggling to be ready to learn in the classroom.  The numbers seem staggering, but as we look at how our students grow during their high school years, we know there is hope.  :-)

We know our students need supports to be successful.  Please know that our admin and counseling team are committed to providing outside supports that will also support learning in the classroom. If you remember this summer, we shared our Multi-Tiered System of Supports document that shows the work that needs to happen at each tier.  None of this work can be done alone.  It takes all of us working together.  Find MTSS Plan HERE

Thank you for working so hard for our students.  I am reminded that we must come to school each day, meet our students where they are and take them as far as we can take them!  Our jobs as teachers, administrators, assistants, counselors are HARD!  If we can all stick together, we will make it through! 

Data from Panorama:

In the graph to the right, students in grades 7-12 answered questions to determine competency in 4 different categories of SEL. The overall percentages served as baselines for comparison for each grade level in the graphs that follow.

The graphs to the right compare the percent differences between each grade-level with the overall percentage of student competencies in grades 7-12. The percent difference at zero represents the overall percentage for all students surveyed. The numbers above zero represent the percentage of students that is greater than the overall score. The numbers below zero represent the percentage of students that is lower than the overall score. In 2018-2019, grades 10 and 12 have higher competencies compared to those in grades 7, 8, 9, and 11. In 2019-2020 fall pre-test, grades 10, 11, and 12 have higher competencies compared to those in grades 7, 8, and 9. 

Important Information:

College Fair: Students in grades 11 and 12 will be participating in the college fair on Monday at the Tell City Ivy Tech from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (will be gone from 9:00 - 11:00). All county schools will be participating in the event. We are very lucky to bring so many colleges to our students all in one place! Thank you to Dana Harris for her organization of the event. You can find a list of students who will be participating HERE.

Tour of Opportunity: All 8th grade students and advanced manufacturing students will be participating in the Tour of Opportunity on Friday, October 11th. This is a great field trip as students will be exposed to many career opportunities in our community. Advanced Manufacturing students will be sharing important information about local manufacturing companies.

After School Training: On Tuesday, October 22nd, we are going to move our morning meeting to an after school PLC meeting from 3:15 p.m. - 4:30.m. We will be asking our assistants to stay after school as well for training. More information to come soon! (So, just for your planning - no morning meeting that day - only after school!)

Learning Lunch Update: We know that Learning Lunch has been an issue of being full most days. We have made several changes in the last week to help with this:
* We have provided extra supports to junior high students with IEPs (seemed to be frequent fliers in LL)
* All 7th grade students will automatically be assigned to 8th period when missing work (7th grade teachers are banning together to make sure this happens)
* When LL is full, students will automatically be sent to 8th period - Jody, Phil or Dana will work hard to make those calls and get students signed up

Please know that we understand this work is very time consuming and hard. We are in this work together. If you have ideas for how to make this system better, the door is always open. :-)

Good Luck to Varsity Volleyball and Cross Country on their upcoming sectional play!!! Dress up days will be posted for later this week.

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