This week we will be hosting our parents for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Just as we build relationships with students, it is vital that we build strong relationships with our parents/families as well. Even though we have all been raised with different values and priorities, one thing I believe teachers and parents have in common is that we want what is best for our students/children. We must remember that sometimes school is not a comfortable place for our parents, so offering positive, encouraging thoughts are great ways to break down any barriers there may be.
As you plan for our conferences this week, here are a few questions/tips you could use to help engage in positive relationships with parents:
Offer conversation starters. Put parents (and yourself) at ease with a question or two: "What did Sam like about school last year?," "What does Tina like to do at home?," or "What are some things you'd like her to accomplish this year?"
Invite parents to share their thoughts. As experts on their children, parents can share valuable insights. And they'll appreciate your respectful recognition of their role in helping their children.
Highlight the positives. Recognize a child's strengths before discussing her struggles. You'll give parents some perspective while encouraging them to work productively with you.
Address just one or two concerns. Listing too many problems can make parents (and their children) feel defeated. Mention that you'd like to help the student with several things, but for now you'd like to concentrate on just one or two.
Let parents know if you need thinking time. It's perfectly OK to tell parents you want to think through what they've said, observe their children for a bit, consult others, or read up on an issue they've raised.
conferences can feel intimidating and critical for caregivers. Being able
to build a strong foundation of communication and collaboration can be very
helpful for the student and their learning.
Important Information:
Lori Desautels' Sunday Strategy: (This post reminded me of the patterns of rhythm we created during her training with our hands and knees!)
I am sitting with my coffee assessing all of the forums and reflections from classes this past week and this was just shared about rhythm!!! This is from an administrator!
When we incorporate rhythm we are creating ways that regulate lower brain regions pulling us OUT of the survival brain into ways of calm... THIS IS DISCIPLINE!!! SUNDAY STRATEGY!!
On Friday, I had a student who was in total meltdown that is unpredictable. He typically is very hard to deescalate and also after he is regulated, when you try to process what happened, identify triggers, and talk about alternative ways to handle our anger, he usually escalates again, which doesn't allow for much learning. Breakthrough moment. Because of learning about rhythm, I literally grabbed 4 rulers from our extra stash in the office, went into the room he was breaking down in, and began drumming on the floor. No talking, and no looking at him. He quickly picked up the extra rulers and joined me. Stopped crying and screaming instantly. That is not the best part. He then was able to answer some questions and process what happened while drumming. This led to the first time I have ever been able to process with this kid and really try to talk about alternative behaviors. We discussed how next time, when he feels like he may be getting upset, he can ask to drum. His teacher is amazing and loved this idea. A new way for me to regulate kiddos when they are clearly in their brain stem! Language is sensations...always need to think of this!
* PLC Meetings: Reminder about PLC meetings this week. A rough agenda was attached to the Monday Moment email. I would like to start our meetings a little later but eat while we work - but if you do not want to do this, please let me know and we will determine a different time as a team. We are looking forward learning and finding ways to support you!
Tuesday, September 18 - Math 11:45 - Debbie Dauby's Room
Wednesday, September 19 - Science 11:40 Stephanie Walsh's Room
Thursday, September 20 - English/Social Studies 11:40 Abbie Brockman's Room
Friday, September 21 - Josh Craney, Carrie Guillaume, Carol Schwoeppe, Julie Berkhouse 11:40 Josh's Room
Monday, September 24 - Mary Hagedorn, PE, Nancy Poehlein, 11:40 Teacher Meeting Room
* Faculty Meeting - We will have a faculty meeting at 7:20 a.m. on Tuesday, September 18th. I know mornings are difficult, but if you can please work hard to get to the meeting on time. We will have very important information to share and typically run out of time. We will do best to utilize our time the best we can. Breakfast will be served! It is always a pleasure to see everyone!
* EWIN Visit - On Monday, September 17th, over 25 educators from across the state will be visiting Perry Central to view our Earn and Learn opportunities. Their visit will be from approximately 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. We will be utilizing the high school library and Mr. Craney has a few students that will be giving tours. We will move senior WIN group to the high school gym.
* ALICE Student Training: On Tuesday, September 18th, Derrick Lawalin and Alan Malone will be at Perry Central to train students in grades 5-12 about the ALICE program. This is a similar training that all of our faculty and staff went through last year (except we will not be doing the simulation in classrooms.) Here is a tentative schedule for the day: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Grades 10-12/ 9:10 a.m. - 10:10 a.m. Grades 5-6/ 10:20 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. Grades 7-9. Students will be released by intercom.
* Parent Teacher Conferences: Reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, September 20th from 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. Here are a few things to remember:
* EWIN Visit - On Monday, September 17th, over 25 educators from across the state will be visiting Perry Central to view our Earn and Learn opportunities. Their visit will be from approximately 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. We will be utilizing the high school library and Mr. Craney has a few students that will be giving tours. We will move senior WIN group to the high school gym.
* ALICE Student Training: On Tuesday, September 18th, Derrick Lawalin and Alan Malone will be at Perry Central to train students in grades 5-12 about the ALICE program. This is a similar training that all of our faculty and staff went through last year (except we will not be doing the simulation in classrooms.) Here is a tentative schedule for the day: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Grades 10-12/ 9:10 a.m. - 10:10 a.m. Grades 5-6/ 10:20 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. Grades 7-9. Students will be released by intercom.
* Parent Teacher Conferences: Reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, September 20th from 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. Here are a few things to remember:
- Please personally invite at least 10 families that you would like to get to know better either through phone call or personal email.
- Pizza and drinks will be served in the high school office beginning at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday for faculty and staff.
- Please keep a list of parents that visit your room and turn those into the office at the end of the day.
- Know I am grateful for each of you as I know you are taking very good care of all of our students!
Important Dates:
Monday, September 17th - EWIN Visit 10:00 - 2:00/ Varsity Volleyball @ Lanesville 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 18th - Faculty Meeting 7:20 a.m./ALICE Training for students/ Math PLC Meeting/ Varsity Volleyball @ Forest Park 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 19th - Science PLC Meeting
Thursday, September 20th - English/SS PLC Meeting/ Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m./ Varsity Volleyball @ Home 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 22nd - Varsity Football @ Eastern Green 1:00 p.m./ Varsity Cross Country @ Tell City 9:50 a.m./ FFA serving @ Farm to Table
Friday, October 5 - SLOs Due/ End of 9 weeks
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