Sunday, May 21, 2023

Last Day Check-List


Congratulations to Mrs Schwoeppe on her retirement!  We will celebrate her at our retirement breakfast on Wednesday!  We will miss you, Carol!  

Final Exam Schedule:   Monday periods 2,4,6/  Tuesday periods 1,3,5,7

Senior Walk-Through: On Tuesday, we will have the senior walk-through.  We will start around 9:15 a.m.  Seniors will start at the coke machines by the gym, walk down the north hall into the elementary, then to bottom of the 2 story, back up through the 6th grade hall and will finish up down high school hall on the south hall and out the front doors for a picture.  

We will release students by intercom- please have students stand out in the halls and spread out so we can fill the halls with students and wish the Class of 2023 well!

Check-List for the end of the day Wednesday: 

Grades are due by midnight on Wednesday, May 24th.  Please let Phil or I know if you need to put in an incomplete grade (but hopefully you will not need to or you have made a strong plan with the student to get caught up.  I know there are a few special situations that will require incompletes. 

Certification List - If you are a CTE teacher and you have given an industry certification, please fill out this form.  We have to list all industry certifications for our school data!  Thanks to everyone who already filled it out!

Dual Credit Teachers- Please remember to enter your dual credit grades into the Ivy Tech Portal.  ALSO, please print that list of students and their grades once you have entered them and turn that into Dana.  This is the only way we can get this important information on their high school transcripts.  

Computers - Gloria needs to update your computers over the summer.  Please leave your computer with Gloria at the end of the day or make arrangements with her to get that accomplished.  

Summer Orders - Please remember to fill out your summer orders by the end of the day Wednesday using the spreadsheet attached.  Notice the tabs at the bottom of the sheet.  Let us know if you have any questions.

Summer PD List - Sharing so you can mark you calendars.  Please fill out this document (it is very quick) in regards to our 2-day summer PD Training.    

Friday, May 12, 2023



One of our vision statements that we are holding ourselves to is CELEBRATION.  It is always very important to take time and reflect on the enormous amount of work and success we had in a school year.  Too often we only focus on what needs to change instead of the amazing work that has happened.  

This Monday, May 15th, we are going to take time to do just that!  We will have burgers and brauts for faculty and staff by the high school office during your lunch time.   Your ticket to the event is bringing something that represents success for you this school year that you want to share with everyone around you.    We will have some models of what this could look up on the walls starting on Friday and I will deliver a large post-it note to your door!   This doesn't have to be fancy - could share sample student work, information about a project, improvement of students, what you learned new from the school year, etc.!!

While you eat, you will be able to have a gallary walk and share in each other's success.  We are successful because we are all in this together.  

This will be the last Monday Moment for the 22-23 school year!  So happy to do this work with all of you!  

Important Information: 

Computer Plan (we finally got it together, Abe!):  Computer pickup will start on Thursday of next week.  We will begin with seniors and see how many grades we can get through that day.  Any grades that weren't picked up on Thursday will be picked up on Friday.  If you indicated you need computers for finals, please reach out to Gloria and make a plan.  She is happy to get a cart in your room.  (The idiot that created the survey forgot to collect your names!  (That was me!!!)

Master Schedule:   I am a little reluctant to share this because you are probably going to have a lot of questions that I may not have the answers to and it could change - but this is the tentative master schedule for next school year.  I still have a lot of work to do on it, but I am brain dead!  I worked on it far enough to know that it is in a pretty good spot!    If you have questions, please know you can ask, but I will be working on it more after school is out.  

Locker Clean Out Schedule: 

            Friday, May 19 -  2nd Period, Seniors

            Monday, May 22 - 1st Period - Juniors, 3rd Period - Sophomores, 5th Period - Freshmen

            Tuesday, May 23 - 2nd Period - 8th grade,  4th Period - 7th grade

Commodore Pride: 

        10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.   9-12 Commodore Pride  (Students are expected to be in class the rest of the day during their assigned class periods)

         10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. - Junior High Awards Program (If you click on the link you will see the outline of the program.) I would like junior high teachers to present their awards to the students.  

             * We will ask assistnats to try to cover junior high students from 10:00 - 10:30 and during WIN the best we can - but we should have a regular 5th - 7th period classes for all students.  

Fun Games:  Thanks to Abe Schwartz, Jennifer Ball, Vanessa Johnson and many others for taking time to organize a few fun things for our students.  We have had mean wiffle ball games, dodgeball games (I am not much help at this!), and corn hole for students to participate in during lunch and WIN.  It is great to see students participating in some friendly competition and teachers playing with students.  Thanks for making the last few days special!!

Internship Training - Thursday, May 18th, we will be hosting a few of our business partners who will be mentors for our students duringt their internship next year.  Our goal with the training is to develop a training plan and set goals with the student and their mentor to increase communication and rigor during these opportunities.  We are excited about this.  Thanks to Mike Bishop for organizing!

Scholarship Banquet - Thanks to Dana for organizing our scholarship banquet that will be Wednesday night, May 17th for families and senior students.  This is a very large and nice event!  Our speaker this year is PC Alumni, Kyla Edwards/Schroeder!

Finals:  Monday, Periods 2,4,6

             Tuesday, Periods 1,3,5,7

Wednesday, May 24: Teacher's Last Day - we will have a retirement breakfast to celebrate Carol that morning at 8:00 a.m.   A list of what we need you to complete before you leave on Wednesday will be shared at a little later date.  We are asking if you need to do ordering for your classes next school year that you please add it to this excel file that is shared with the Central Office.  This helps us keep shipping costs down and ensure all is ordered properly.  LIST  (Please note the different tabs at the bottom.)

PD Dates:  Just a reminder of our PD dates for this summer.   For our two days of training, June 28 & 29, I will be asking you to let me know if you CANNOT make it pretty soon because I have to make our reservations more permanent!  Here is a rough agenda:

        June 28 - 7:45 a.m. - Leave PC for Toyota

                        9:00 a.m. - Tour Toyota

                        10:30 a.m. - Drive to a location in Gibson County area for lunch

                                          - Introduce you to our Core Principle Rubric, Personality Testing

                                           - Guest Speaker about skills needed in the workforce

                        2:00 ish p.m. - Arrive back to PC

         June 29 - 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. @ PC for Design Thinking training!

Wear Jeans Next WEEK!!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Teachers Matter


As we continue to role through May, I know that the days seem to get longer and harder!  Just know there is a break coming soon!  We can do it!!  Don't forget we are all in this together and if you need to tap out during the school day, you can and should reach out!  

Teaching is one of the hardest but most rewarding careers anyone could have!  There are so many decisions to make, emotions on the table, students that need so much and still curriculum to teach!  Even though it is hard, exhausting work - it can also be so rewarding.  We know the statement to the left is true - we can name all of the teachers that had a positive impact on us, even though we left high school many, many years ago (or at least I did!)  I can't remember one of my college professors, but I can remember my high school teachers.

Keep smiling and pushing and connecting to students.  YOU are making a difference!!

Our Junior High Community Service Day was AMAZING!  We had students baking and freezing meals for needy families, helping clean trails and paint at Anderson Woods, spreading mulch at Perry Child Care, cleaning up Sunset Park, picking up debris at Tipsaw Beach and so much more.  I spoke to several teachers and they were amazed at how hard our students worked and all worked with a happy heart.    This is one of my favorite days of the year for our students.  Thanks to Lauren Blake for leading us and for all of our faculty and staff for working so hard!  I hope you left school that day with that good - exhausted feeling!  

Important Information: 

* Faculty Meeting - We will have a faculty meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 7:25 a.m.  A very light breakfast will be served!  This will be our last meeting of the year and will be sharing a lot of important information!  See you there!

* Summer PD Schedule -  You can find a list of Summer PD activities HERE. I plan to walk everyone through these ideas at the faculty meeting!  I thought having all of the links/information on one page may be helpful (at least it is to me!)    Looking forward to a full summer of learning!  

* Academic Awards Banquet - Our Academic Awards Banquet is Wednesday, May 10th at 6:30 p.m.  Please be there just a little before.  We will save a spot for all teachers to sit on the south side of the gym.  Like last year, we will have teachers go up in department teams so you can help each other pass out your awards.  We will have awards on the table, organized for you!  Please let us know if you have any questions/concerns.  

* TESTING- We will be pulling a few students out the first part of the day on Monday to finish their ILEARN tests.  Thank you for your patients.  We also have a lot of AP exams and industry certification tests  this week  as well.    Please take a look at the spring dates list for a full list of tests.  

Senior Pictures - Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Danny Bolin will be at Perry Central to take individual pictrures of seniors with their cap and gowns along with a class photo.  We will be taking individual pictures in the high school gym.   This is our first year to do this - so a new tradition for PC seniors!

Special Shout Outs 

**Shout out to Tara Schaefer, Sara Hubert, Kris Walsh and Stephanie Walsh!  They volunteered their time to help a life skills student get dressed and ready for prom and Sara and Tara even stayed with her during prom.  Their kindness will be remembered by this young lady for many years.  Thanks for making PC so special!

**Congrats to the girls track team for winning the PLAC Conference meet on Friday and to the boys for coming in 2nd!  A great tradition for PC athletics is to bring home that trophy!

**Also, thanks to Mary Jo Hagedorn and the Student Council for hosting a wonderful prom.  The students all danced the night away and had a great time!