Sunday, April 25, 2021

Laurie Desautels - Brain Aligned Testing Strategies

This week, 7th and 8th grade students will start their first round of ILEARN on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  This is a stressful time for students and teachers.  Laurie Desautels offers some suggests for all students during testing (AP testing starts next week) on how you can help them manage their brains.  Also, below you will find a copy of the ILEARN schedule.  PLEASE look at it as we will be using a large portion of the building in the morning on those days to test.  


Post from Laurie Desautels:
 I Learn and other state testing begins in the weeks ahead! I posted this in 2017 but it matters now more than ever!!!!

Focused Attention Practices for the weeks ahead!
1. Take 90 seconds two or three times a day to do focused attention practices and some movement... let students lead some of these! (Link to Focus Attention Practice Ideas)
2. Celebrate students' strengths all week.. choose two or three a day and affirm with positive notes, affirmations, and talk about the multiple intelligences and how these tests do not measure how smart you are!
3. On a few days, bring cotton balls with scents to pass out and smell before the test for 90 seconds!
4. Use National Geographic brain games this week as a brain interval after testing!
5. Talk about all of the well known people that have succeeded NOT based on test scores but their passion and willingness to keep trying! Maybe choose a person a day!
6. Write before the tests have the students write out or draw their worries and drop them into the worry jars... you might even create a ritual to get rid of these each day!
7. As a class for the next two weeks, choose a custodian, cafeteria worker, bus driver, principal or teacher or student from the building to care for!! Cards, post-its , or making an art project to give this person a lift will bring out the dopamine!
8. Create an I Learn graffiti wall where students can share their words, artwork and symbols of strength expertise or areas of interest! Each day, students can add to these before or after the test!
9. Pick a class read for the day or week to read to your students! Choose an uplifting motivational book to share at the end of the day or before the day!
10. Create a class legos or block or a construction of some material that you can add onto each day!! (Let them build/play.)

As my dad would always tell me: "90% of the game is all in your head."  The same is true about testing.  Mentally preparing students for testing is part of the journey.  Thanks to all of you for working hard to prepare students and care for them deeply.   - Jody

Important Information: 

ILEARN Schedule - Please take a moment to look at this schedule, as it has changed a little bit.  Testing begins on Tuesday morning.  ILEARN SCHEDULE

Early College Re-Endorsement - On Friday, May 30th, we will be going through the Early College re-endorsement Interview.  They will be interviewing students, teachers, school administration during this time.  We also have to create a presentation about how we have grown in our programming over the past year.  Thanks to all of you for making our program a success.  

Innovate WithIN - This Wednesday, Reece Novak, Liam Gogel and Cole Granderson will be presenting their business pitch (kind of like shark tank) to a committee for the next round of the Innovate WithIN Contest.  The three students have made it to the top 30 and will be in the running for scholarships and cash prizes.  Last week, they did a practice round with Jason Hubert and Erin Emerson - two members of our community.  They have worked very hard and if you see them - wish them luck! 

Junior-Senior Interviews - This Wednesday and Thursday, students in grades 11 and 12 will be participating in mock interviews during the morning times.  Mike Bishop and Dana Harris have rounded up several members of the community to come in and give students the interviews.  Many students are interviewing for the requirements of the Work Ethic Certification, some will be interviewing for potential internships and for others it is a great experience and one more way we help them be prepared for high school.  You can find a copy of the schedule HERE.  We are asking students to be at their location 5 minutes before their interview starts.  

Prom - This weekend is Prom!  Mrs. Hagedorn and the High School Student Council will be busy decorating for our special event.  We appreciate their efforts and look forward to a beautiful and fun weekend.  

Ivy Tech Instructors - Tell City Ivy Tech is looking for instructors.  I am just sharing in case you know someone that may be interested.  You can find the requirements and their tentative schedule attached for the fall.  Let me know if you have questions.  More Information

Run For Your Mother - The Leadership Perry County Class of 2013 started the Run for Your Mother Annual Event several years ago.  The proceeds from the event goes back to county vocational programs (including Perry Central) to help promote vocational education.  The program gets a check and our Leadership Class has started a fund at the Perry County Community Foundation so it can support these programs forever!  It is a lot of fun.  If you want to join us this year, you can find a copy of the enrollment form HERE.  Due to COVID, I believe it is more of a "weekend" activity.  Hope to see you there!

Important Dates: 

Tuesday, April 27 -  Junior High teachers that teach SEL Lessons will meet with Shelly at 7:30 in the high school library to get the lessons for the week.  

Wednesday, April 28 - Teachers who are helping with Early College Endorsement (you received an email from me) will meet at 7:30 a.m. to prepare for the interviews. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Vulnerability before Trust

As I continue to read the book, "Culture Code" by Daniel Coyle, I always stop and think about what this book look means to us as a school, in my home, in our classrooms and our gyms.  This week, the topic was vulnerability.  I had a personal counselor tell me one time that I was going to have to be vulnerable and that my relationships would flourish if I was able to do that.  At the time, I really didn't understand what that meant and thought it was stupid!  I have come to realize that vulnerability is just letting my armor down and letting others see and feel my weaknesses.  When we do this, in our homes, classrooms, community organizations, we are able to build trusting and strong relationships with those around us.  

I wanted to share a few resources with you.  One is a quote from the book, "Culture Code" and the other is a YouTube video from Brene Brown.   Hope this extends your understanding and helps you strengthen your relationships with others! 

Dr. Jeff Polzer, professor of organizational behavior at Harvard, spent a chunk of his career examining vulnerability.   "People tend to think of vulnerability in a touchy-feely way, but that is not what is happening."  Its about sending a really clear signal that you have weaknesses, that you could use help.  And if that behavior becomes a model for others, then you can set the insecurities aside and get to work, start to trust each other and help each other.  If you never have that vulnerable moment, then people will try to cover up their weaknesses and your working space becomes a place where insecurities manifest themselves."  

Brene Brown, Author - "You cannot have empathy without vulnerability.  Vulnerability is the core of love, belonging, joy and empathy."    

Important Information: 

* Surprise and Delight:  Thursday, Larry Lautner is going to pick up Chicken Sandwiches for us for lunch for high school faculty and staff.  We will not have a meeting - just lunch to show our appreciation for your hard work this month!  

* Administrative Assistant Day:  This Wednesday we will be celebrating Administrative Assistant Day!  There is never a day long enough to really celebrate and honor Janet and Sheila and all they do for us.  Even when their days are hectic and stressful, they are always kind and greet everyone with a smile.  Thanks, ladies for all you do!!

* ILEARN Testing:   Teachers that will be proctoring the ILEARN test will have a meeting in the high school Library, Wednesday morning at 8:30 a.m.  Please bring your laptops.  We will show you how to access the test, talk about the schedule and your rosters.  It is an important meeting - please be there!  Attached is a most up-to-date copy of the schedule - there are a few changes.  TEST SCHEDULE  (If you teach any junior high, there is a very likely chance you will be testing students!!)  

* Trauma Informed Community:  On Tuesday, a team of administrators, representatives from Perry County Probation, Sheriff's Department, TCPD, United Way and Perry County Memorial Hospital will travel to Fishers, Indiana to learn about how the Fishers community pulls together to help decrease suicides, work with individuals who have experienced trauma and more.  Our goal is to keep learning as a community how we can better serve the families in our community.  We are looking forward to a great trip!

* Skills USA - Josh Craney's Construction class and Bo Gibson's Additive/Engineering Teams will be competing in the Skills USA Competitions this week.  They are all held virtually due to COVID.  This is a lot of work and great opportunities for our students.   Great job!

* Homecoming - This Wednesday, April 21st, will be Homecoming on the baseball field!  The crowing will begin at 4:45 p.m.   We will have dress-up days to celebrate this week. Teachers are welcome to wear jeans to help celebrate.   Days will be:  

Monday: Neon
Tuesday: Weather
Wednesday: Crazy Green
Thursday: Mismatch
Friday: Blackout

Sunday, April 11, 2021

How to Bring your Heart to Work: 

1.  Actively Listen - allow others to speak and be heard

2. Develop a Connection - Connect with those who work for you - it builds trust

3.  Be Honest - Clear is Kind

4.  Show Empathy - Take note of events going on in other's lives

5.  Be Vulnerable - Have courage to show up, even when you cannot control the outcome

We all know the heart is a universal metaphor for love and to be loved.  Bringing your heart to work with you is a powerful way to lead.  It isn't a sign of weakness, but necessary for a strong, successful working environment.  

Brene Brown has a great podcast called Armored Versus Daring Leadership that I would encourage all of you to listen to.  

Important Information: 

* Important Dates - You can stay connected to a variety of testing dates HERE. 

* ILEARN Schedule - You can find the ILEARN schedule HERE.  Small changes will continue to be made, but this will give you an idea of what is going on.  We will have a proctor meeting for all teachers giving the test on Wednesday, April 21st at 7:30 a.m. in the high school library.  It will be important for teachers who are giving the test to attend.  More details will come next week.  

* CNA Clinicals - CNA Clinicals start on Tuesday.  Please see Jill Little's email for details. 

* Competitions - The Construction class will be participating in Skills USA competitions on Friday.  They will provide students with authentic learning opportunities and students will have to think critically to solve problems.    Mr. Niehaus is also leading a 3D Printing team as well.   The FFA will be participating in Livestock Judging next weekend as well as the robotics team traveling to Greenwood for a competition with Mr. Gibson.  Good luck to all of our academic teams.       


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Sagamore of the Wabash


Last week, Perry Central was had the honor of hosting Ray Niehaus' surprise ceremony as the state of Indiana presented him with the Sagamore of the Wabash.  This is a very prestigious award as it is given by the Governor of Indiana.  

Many of you know Ray, as he is an alumni of Perry Central.  Ray doesn't know a stranger, is never lost for words or ideas and brings a  unique perspective to the table as he always shoots for the moon knowing that he will always land among the stars.  He isn't afraid of failure and his ability to always believe he will be successful allows him to be.  

Like all of you, he has influenced many students across the state of Indiana.  He has a passion for youth, workforce development and entrepreneurship.  We are blessed to call him a mentor to Perry Central and a friend.  

Inside Indiana Business covered the ceremony.  You can find a copy of it below.  There is a very special video attached to the article that has some of our students in it.  I think you will enjoy it!

Inside Indiana Business Article

Important Information: 

Jean Week - In honor of Autism Awareness Month, the Special Education Department would like to offer you the opportunity to wear jeans for a $5 donation to the Special Education Department.   You can drop your donations off in the high school office.  Also, Tuesday, we would encourage everyone to wear BLUE to remind the world to be kind and help individuals with autism reach their full potential. 

Junior High Commodore Pride - Any junior high teacher that would like to help us plan our Commodore Pride/Ron Clark day can meet on Thursday, April 8th at 7:30 a.m. in the high school office.  We appreciate as many people as possible as that is where the great ideas are found!  Hope to see you there! 

Virtual Day:  Wednesday, April 7th will be a Virtual Day.  Please make sure students are aware of their assignments by Tuesday.  Most of the day will be available for you to work.  

Here is our agenda for the day: 

         7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. - Faculty Meeting in High School Library    Breakfast will be served. 

         9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Readable English Teachers will have a training                                                                                                    (location to be determined.)  

DAR Winner Presentation:   On Friday during first WIN, all seniors are invited to the High School Library for the presentation of the DAR County Award.  Instead of doing their annual tea this year, they are making the presentation in front of the student and their peers.  

Have a great week!