This past week, Seth Gehlhausen, Hailei Gehlhausen, Lauren Blake and I had a wonderful
visit to the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, GA.
Many of you watched the Ron Clark Movie with us last year. Ron Clark Academy is a small private school (with a huge dragon at the entrance) that houses grades 4-8 near downtown Atlanta. Even though it is private, he
chooses students that would represent the same demographics as a public school
(% poverty, special education, race, etc.). His mission is to show others that all students can be successful at high levels of academic rigor and success if they focus on the right things.
The Ron Clark Academy is built on three main
relationships – They know that rigor, discipline and success cannot be built
without STRONG relationships with students.
They visit every home of every child, have meals and invite parents in
so they can better know them and do many special events for students. They work hard to see education and opportunity through the eyes of each family/child.
If you are going to be here, BE HERE – Ron Clark
spoke a lot about the importance of being present each and every day for our
children. He reminded us that sometimes
there will be conflict and negative people around us, but it is important not
to give those people power! We get to
choose our attitude everyday and it is important to do our best to be present.
Movement and Engagement – Every student needs at
least one hour of movement every day. We
know that many of our students are kinesthetic learners – and many of them have
a hard time sitting all day long.
Through games, dance, chants, songs. . . we can engage students. They are teaching students to stand up and
speak in class, celebrate their mistakes they make with other students and above
all – not forget to have fun. Fun must
be in conjunction with high standards. They
even have a slide in the middle of their school – all of us became slide
certified on that Friday afternoon!
I think my biggest take-a-way from this experience is that we
are in charge of how we want to teach our students and how we want our
profession to be viewed. If we are
sitting behind our desks, complaining all of the time about state testing and
how bad our students are. . . that is what people are going to know us
for! It is up to ALL of us to make sure
teachers are known as professionals and individuals who love kids and believe
they can be successful.
It is my goal for more of you to be able to visit the
RCA. It is really hard to describe the
feeling you get when you walk into a room full of dancing students who are
excited to have you visit their school, excited to learn, and excited about
their own personal success. If we
believe, we will achieve all of this at Perry Central. We have the right people in place (you) to make that happen!
Important Information:
* College Fair - October 7th, students in grades 10, 11 & 12 will be participating in the Perry County College Fair at our local Ivy Tech. Our visit will be an hour. Thank you to Dana for organizing this event. She will be sending out details soon.
* Athletic Competition - The Junior High Houses will hold their first official competition on Tuesday, October 8th during WIN! Information about the competition will be sent out today to House teachers. We anticipate this activity possibly carrying over into 5th period for a short amount of time.
* 8th Grade/Advanced Manufacturing Field Trip - Friday, October 11th will be the Perry County Tour of Opportunity. All 8th grade students in the county will visit several locations, including Waupaca, ATTC, Perry County Memorial Hospital and Ivy Tech. Advanced Manufacturing students will be showcasing their work at the local Ivy Tech and sharing with 8th grade students about the processes and opportunities in over 17 manufacturing facilities in our area. We are excited about the event. All Perry County 8th grade students will get a Pick Perry t-shirt to wear.
* End of 9 Weeks - Just a reminder the end of the first 9 weeks is already this Friday! Report Cards will go out next Friday to students. You will have until Wednesday, October 9th to finalize your grades. Please also remember you will need to send in your reporting topics for quarter 2 soon!
Important Dates:
October 4th - End of 9 Weeks
October 7th - College Fair
October 11th - 8th Grade Field Trip/ Advanced Manufacturing Students will attend as well.
October 12-October 20 - Fall Break